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Publication Policy and Ethics

At LitVerse Chronicles, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics. We follow established best practices and standards to ensure the integrity and quality of our publications and editorial processes. We encourage all stakeholders—authors, reviewers, editors, and readers—to adhere to the ethical principles outlined on our website.

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All published materials, such as articles, book reviews, poems, or creative works, must properly acknowledge the authors. For submissions made through our online platform, the corresponding author has the primary responsibility to ensure adherence to the following ethical standards:

  • Appropriate Attribution and Acknowledgement: The corresponding author is responsible for submitting original work, informing all co-authors about the submission, obtaining their consent for publication, recognizing their contributions accurately, and acknowledging any support received from others. Additionally, the corresponding author must sign and submit the Conflict of Interest document promptly.

Changes in Authorship
Changes to the authorship of a manuscript can be requested by contacting the Chief Editor. The Editorial Board will approve or reject these requests based on appropriate justification and consensus among the authors. Any changes after publication may be formally announced by the journal.

Ghost, Guest, or Gift Authorship
LitVerse Chronicles condemns unethical practices such as adding authors who did not contribute significantly to the work, known as 'ghost,' 'guest,' or 'gift' authorship. We are dedicated to preventing these practices and ensuring proper credit for genuine contributions.

Publication Process
All participants in the publication process—including editors, reviewers, and website managers—are expected to adhere to international standards of ethics and quality. We are committed to improving the quality and impact of our journal and expect authors to demonstrate a similar commitment to ethical guidelines.

Submission Guidelines
Authors submitting work to LitVerse Chronicles must follow our submission guidelines closely. The journal reserves the right to take appropriate action against unethical practices, such as:

  • Simultaneous Submissions: Manuscripts must not be submitted to multiple journals concurrently during the review process. Authors found engaging in simultaneous submissions will face disciplinary measures.

  • Plagiarism: Authors are expected to understand and avoid plagiarism, including proper attribution of others' work and obtaining necessary permissions. Any copyright violations are the sole responsibility of the authors.

  • Defamation or Promotion: Authors are urged to avoid defamatory content or promotional material that could harm the reputation of individuals or organizations or overtly promote products or services. The journal maintains a professional, balanced, and respectful tone.

Gender, Racial, and Language Bias
LitVerse Chronicles is dedicated to maintaining an inclusive and fair environment for all contributors and readers. We recognize the role of language in reinforcing or dismantling biases and are committed to promoting respectful, inclusive representation.

  • Gender Bias: We encourage authors to use gender-neutral language, avoid stereotypes, and respect individuals' preferred pronouns and titles.

  • Racial Bias: Authors should avoid language that marginalizes or stereotypes racial or ethnic groups and ensure terms respect the identities and experiences of all communities.

  • Language Bias: We advocate for clear, respectful, and accessible language. Authors should aim to communicate effectively while considering the diversity of our readership.

Commitment to Equity
Our editorial policies are designed to uphold these values, ensuring that we actively promote diverse perspectives and experiences. We welcome feedback from contributors and readers to continuously enhance our practices.

Measures Against Misconduct
In response to unethical conduct, LitVerse Chronicles may take one or more of the following steps:

  • Retraction: Retracting published content with a formal notice.

  • Modification: Publishing a revised version along with an explanation of changes.

  • Blacklisting: Prohibiting future submissions from the author.

  • Notification: Reporting the misconduct to the author’s institution or relevant authorities.

Conflict of Interest
To maintain transparency, we require all participants in the publication process—authors, editors, reviewers, and other stakeholders—to avoid conflicts of interest. Our policies are regularly updated to reflect best practices and uphold the integrity of our work.

  • Authors: Authors must avoid conflicts of interest—financial, promotional, or honorary—and the corresponding author must submit a Conflict of Interest document signed by all co-authors.

  • Editors and Reviewers: Editors and reviewers must avoid conflicts of interest when fulfilling their duties. The Chief Editor is responsible for managing any internal conflicts while ensuring privacy and taking appropriate measures. The publisher upholds the editorial board’s professional independence, ensuring autonomy in scholarly activities.

Peer Review System
LitVerse Chronicles employs a Double Blind Peer Review process, ensuring confidentiality for both authors and reviewers. Initial submissions are evaluated for adherence to journal standards and scope; articles not meeting these criteria are promptly rejected. Satisfactory submissions are reviewed by at least two experts, and in case of disagreement, the Chief Editor will provide a final decision.

flat ray photography of book, pencil, camera, and with lens

"To sit alone in the lamplight with a book spread out before you and hold intimate converse with men of unseen generations—such is a pleasure beyond compare."
Yoshida Kenko, quoted in European translations